Well, after long thought (OK, 17 seconds) I've decided the Hinkelgruber family menu should be brought to the web. A couple of things for you to remember: no substitutions (Charlie's not a short-order cook, after all), and change is inevitable - Charlie may not feel like cooking kim chee on a Tuesday! Oh, and there is one request: if you're joining us for dinner, please either call or text the Scary Lady (you know the number - if you don't, you're really not invited).

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Some irony...

In six days, we'll have a new President (thank goodness!). But here's some food for thought - - A man who is perhaps the most gentle and kind person to be elected President of this country in a very long time, is having to decide if the people of this country can be "in person" witnesses to his innauguration. - The same man is perhaps the one man who should be most in fear of his life to be innaugurated to the position (let's face it, there are white supremisists and Trumpists who would find it the utmost honor to see to it that he never served a day as President.) - Fifty state capitols are battoning down their hatches to make certain they are not overrun by those same people. - I am beginning to wonder if the USA is still the country everyone should aspire to be a part of. Six days, my friends...

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